Podcasts and PubCasts

Right of Way podcast

This podcast, debuting in June 2024, is a co-creation between Hannah Harrison and Nicolas Winkler. The podcast focuses on the contentious topic of coastal access in Nova Scotia, and brings forward stories about how Nova Scotians try to get to their coastlines in a changing landscape of private property, coastal erosion, and changing demographics. This podcast is part of the Coastal Access Project and will run through the summer of 2024.

This podcast is funded by the Royal Canadian Geographic Society and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Production supported by Podstarter.

Fishing Forward podcast

From 2019 - 2023 I co-created and co-produced Coastal Routes Radio, a platform for audio-based knowledge mobilization around fisheries, student research, and making research more accessible to all. Fishing Forward was made in partnership with The Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety.

Fishing Forward is a podcast inspired by fishermen, for fishermen, with a focus on health, safety, and staying shipshape in the commercial fishing industry. This 18-episode podcast features both scientific and industry voices discussing a wide range of health and safety topics related to commercial fisheries, including sleep deprivation, relationships, caffeine use, lifejacket use, crew recruitment and retention, aging at sea, hearing loss, anxiety and stress, moral injury, pain management, trauma and PTSD, and diet. Episodes range from hilarious to poignant, and all content is designed for a general audience.

Social FISHtancing podcast

From 2019 - 2023 I co-created and co-produced Coastal Routes Radio, a platform for audio-based knowledge mobilization around fisheries, student research, and making research more accessible to all. Our flagship podcast was Social Fishtancing, which debuted at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 had a significant impact on North America’s seafood economy, and shook up seafood supply chains across the globe. The Social FISHtancing podcast is a 22 episode, story-driven exploration in the many ways the pandemic impacted small-scale fish harvesters, and shares uplifting and informative stories of innovation and hardship as they coped with the unknown.


PubCasts” are abridged and annotated audio recordings of our peer-reviewed publications, read to you by the author(s). PubCasts were created by Hannah Harrison and Philip Loring as a way of making science more accessible and digestible to academic and general audiences. PubCasts are published on an ongoing basis.

In 2022, PubCasts partnered with ResearchEquals, an open access (re)publisher that assigns DOIs to their publications. Most PubCasts are now available open access on ResearchEquals and have DOIs assigned for citation and tracking.